What do you see?
ROME, Italy (AP) -- It could be humanity's oldest story of doomed love.
Archaeologists have unearthed two skeletons from the Neolithic period locked in a tender embrace and buried outside Mantua, just 25 miles south of Verona, the romantic city where Shakespeare set the star-crossed tale of "Romeo and Juliet."[Link]
Mantua, interestingly, is mentioned in Shakespeare’s tragedy Romeo and Juliet. But what makes us contemplative and melancholy? What flows from one to the other across thousands of years?
Probably the answer lies in Tagore’s profound observation – ‘Whatever we understand and enjoy in human products instantly becomes ours, wherever they might have their origin.’
Our aesthetic and sense of beauty is hard to destroy. We recognize it instantly, and make it our own. In this Rabindrasangeet, Kanika Banerjee celebrates the endlessness of this aesthetic, the persistence of its true form in the formless. The beauty of the alliteration - anuprās in Sanskrit - towards the end [2:00] is indeed captivating : angabihin ālingane sakal anga bhare.

The poem was generated from Somen Bhattacharjee's digital library.
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